3 Days to Better Connection with Your Teen



Ever feel anxious about no knowing what is really going on with your kids?  

If you are ready to feel more ease, love and connection with your teens, this training is for you


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In the Training You Will Discover: 

  • The 2 key ways to improve communication 
  • How to connect from a place of compassion and ease
  • The best approach to grow connection with your teens that you probably haven’t thought of 


  • Strategies to avoid the rabbit hole of frustration
  • An amazing, safe and supportive Facebook Community for advicereflection, and accountability
Join the training!

About Michael Danzansky

I am a parent like you who is looking for answers about how to best support my teen through these challenging times. The pace of change is astounding, as is the rise in poor mental health in adolescents.

I believe that we as parents are being called to grow and adapt with that change. For ourselves and our children. If caregivers can grow to live from a place of strength and peace in our inner worlds, we can model this for our children so they have the skills and resources to better manage the world they are inheriting.  

During the last two decades of my career learning, teaching and coaching, I have had the privilege to study with incredible teachers who provided me with a understanding of how to navigate our inner wellbeing, both for myself and as a parent. These learnings have changed my life and I feel every parents should have access them.

I am excited to offer this  LIVE Training Series to YOU.

To share with you the expertise, perspectives, and tools that helped guide me. And, to help you connect to the incredible resource of a larger parent and caregiver community. I believe that together we have the power to create amazing new possibilities for our teens and families, even in these challenging times.

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